National Meals on Wheels Network

Meals-on-wheels service is a critical component of the continuum of care services that enable older people to remain living in the community or to return to their own homes after hospitalisation. It has, therefore, previously recommended on a number of occasions that the service is designated as a core service underpinned by legislation and funding. Currently, there is no legal entitlement to receive or obligation on the State to provide meals-on-wheels to older people. As a result, there is no clear direction regarding who should be responsible for the support and development of the sector.

Dedicated Teams, Country Wide

High Quality Nutritional Meals

Caring in the Community

Meals on Wheels Providers

Find information and contact details of the closest Meals on Wheels Network provider to you from our interactive map.

(click the image to navigate to the interactive map)

How to locate a meals on wheels provider

This video details the first way to locate your nearest meals on wheels provider on the interactive map page

This video details the second way to locate your nearest meals on wheels provider on the interactive map page

National Meals on Wheels Network

Meals-on-wheels service is a critical component of the continuum of care services that enable older people to remain living in the community or to return to their own homes after hospitalisation. It has, therefore, previously recommended on a number of occasions that the service is designated as a core service underpinned by legislation and funding. Currently, there is no legal entitlement to receive or obligation on the State to provide meals-on-wheels to older people. As a result, there is no clear direction regarding who should be responsible for the support and development of the sector.

Register with Meals on Wheels Network…

Information and FAQs about Meals on Wheels…

Information about becomming a supplier/provider…

Meals on Wheels Objectives

The primary aim of Meals on Wheels is to develop a sense of security amongst those in the community that may feel isolated while recovering from a stay in hospital and facilitates a smooth and comfortable transition to return home.

Meals on Wheels objectives are to provide:

Promote Standards

To development robust national standards and protocols to support all local Meals on Wheels services


Share Resources

Ensuring members have adequate resources to deliver high-quality nutritional meals to convalescents.


Provide Advice

Supporting the government and other agencies that may assist in the provision of Meals on Wheels and ancillary services in the community.


National Collaboration

Helping to develop the organisation through collaboration between all Meals on Wheels groups.


Meals on Wheels Objectives

The primary aim of Meals on Wheels is to develop a sense of security amongst those in the community that may feel isolated while recovering from a stay in hospital and facilitates a smooth and comfortable transition to return home.

Meals on Wheels objectives are to provide:

Promote Standards

To development robust national standards and protocols to support all local Meals on Wheels services


Share Resources

Ensuring members have adequate resources to deliver high-quality nutritional meals to convalescents.


Provide Advice

Supporting the government and other agencies that may assist in the provision of Meals on Wheels and ancillary services in the community.


National Collaboration

Helping to develop the organisation through collaboration between all Meals on Wheels groups.


Meals on Wheels In the News


Volunteering to deliver some of County Longford’s “Meals on Wheels” was one of the best things I could have done for myself. The logical reasons range from providing people who, for some reason unable themselves, with a nutritious daily meal, to being able to “check in” on distant neighbours who may have little social contact, to helping people keep their independence living in their own homes rather than a nursing home or hospital. However, the icing on the cake is the variety of good, kind people you meet: other volunteers and staff of course, but mostly the grateful recipients.

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Nowadays, busyness is the order of the day. Many people, isolated by age, retirement, ill-health, disability, may feel left behind; this can be dispelled by a few minutes of chat whilst delivering the meals. The same visit can give a feeling of security to those who, whilst enjoying being independent, may for some reason need the reassurance of a regular visit.

During this coronavirus pandemic there is a population of people with special needs who would normally avail of support services provided by the state, but which is no longer available. These are at least provided with a nourishing meal and a regular visit by a friendly face: perhaps not the companionship of a day centre, but at least a relief from a “lock-down”.

All of this can be read on the faces of all of the variety of clients we visit. The payback is terrific. I could never have foreseen the level of satisfaction, and pleasure to be gained from a couple of hours driving, whether around our lovely town or through the beautiful surrounding countryside. The ‘friends’ I meet regularly are a real source of joy.

Owen Harrison – Volunteer


Donate to National Meals on Wheels Network

Thank you for donating to the National Meals on Wheels Network.
Your donation will help the meals on wheels providers in the Network to continue delivering this valuable service into the future.

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